Provide maximum loans to self-help groups: Deputy Commissioner Paigam E Jagat Hoshiarpur 3/11/2025 6:50:00 PM
Municipal Corporation Hoshiarpur has passed a total budget of Rs 7752.00 lakh for the year 2025-2026 - Surinder Kumar, Mayor Municipal Corporation Hoshiarpur Paigam E Jagat Hoshiarpur 3/11/2025 6:47:00 PM
Disaster friend deployed for crowd control and disaster awareness at Maidi fair Paigam E Jagat Una 3/11/2025 6:13:00 PM
Movement of four-wheelers on Amb Chowk to Amb Railway Station route temporarily closed, alternative route will be used for traffic Paigam E Jagat Una 3/11/2025 6:11:00 PM
Area around 5 km from International Airport and ISB SAS Nagar declared no-fly zone during President's visit: District Magistrate Paigam E Jagat SAS Nagar (Mohali) 3/10/2025 6:34:00 PM
District Magistrate issues various prohibitory orders in the district Paigam E Jagat Hoshiarpur 3/10/2025 6:23:00 PM
Maidi Mela: Devotees will not be allowed to face any kind of trouble/Deputy Commissioner Paigam E Jagat Hoshiarpur 3/8/2025 5:51:00 PM
All possible help will be provided for the rehabilitation of drug addicts - Deputy Commissioner Paigam E Jagat Hoshiarpur 3/8/2025 5:40:00 PM
Sarpanch, Numbardar and Councillors to verify applications for civic services online: Deputy Commissioner Paigam E Jagat Hoshiarpur 3/8/2025 5:35:00 PM
Deputy Commissioner inaugurated the creche in the District Administrative Complex Paigam E Jagat Nawanshahr 3/8/2025 5:33:00 PM
Deputy Commissioner hands over the work of registries to other officers Paigam E Jagat Nawanshahr 3/8/2025 5:32:00 PM
National Natural Farming Mission will spend 5.60 crores in Una - Deputy Commissioner Paigam E Jagat Una 3/7/2025 5:54:00 PM
Maidi Mela: No trouble will be allowed to devotees/Deputy Commissioner Jatin Lal Paigam E Jagat Una 3/7/2025 5:51:00 PM
Maidi Mela: Devotees will not be allowed to face any kind of trouble - Deputy Commissioner Paigam E Jagat Hoshiarpur 3/7/2025 5:44:00 PM
There will be a ban on bringing firearms to Maidi fair except security personnel: Jatin Lal Paigam E Jagat Una 3/7/2025 5:40:00 PM